Academic Degrees

  • Omit D.B.A., D.V.M., M.D., Ph.D. and other degrees in text after a person’s name, with the exception of formal event materials, such as formal programs, invitations, letters and donor lists.
  • Omit abbreviations for fellowships or certifications after names (e.g., FACS), except on formal programs, invitations, etc.
  • Communicate a person’s expertise and academic excellence through the use of titles and context.
  • Use discretion and context in determining the most appropriate descriptive terms for people with multiple titles and professional achievements.
  • In general writing, please use the following general College of Charleston degrees. Note that generic degree designations are lower case, while degrees that refer to specific academic programs are capitalized.

Artium Baccalaureatus
bachelor’s degree
bachelor of arts
Bachelor of Professional Studies
bachelor of science
master’s degree
master of arts
Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Business Administration
master of education
master of fine arts
Master of Public Administration
master of science

  • When abbreviations are appropriate, please use the following College of Charleston degree abbreviations:

A.B. – Artium Baccalaureatus
B.A. – bachelor of arts
B.S. – bachelor of science
B.P.S. – Bachelor of Professional Studies
CER – certificate
M.A. – master of arts
M.A.T. – Master of Arts in Teaching
MBA – Master of Business Administration
M.Ed. – master of education
M.F.A. – master of fine arts
M.P.A. – Master of Public Administration
M.S. – master of science