How to Use This Manual

We can strengthen the College of Charleston’s brand by being consistent in our approach to marketing and communications. By being consistent in both design and copy, we will create a memorable and recognizable College of Charleston brand. 

One key to enhancing the visibility and reputation of the College of Charleston is a consistent and reliable approach to our marketing and communications. Consistency in the look and content of our communications materials provides a recognizable and memorable presence for the College in the minds of the people and organizations with whom we seek to communicate.

Each department, office and program on campus will have different needs and goals when producing marketing materials for print, web, advertising and promotions. But we also must be careful to consider, and not contradict, the overall messages and mission of the College. This manual outlines how to use the foundational elements of the College’s brand, style and visual identity to achieve your goals and, at the same time, clearly communicate that each unit of the College is part of a strong, cohesive and first-class institution of higher learning.

This manual is College of Charleston policy. It contains guidelines governing the proper and consistent use of the College’s brand story, key messages, wordmark, colors and typefaces. It explains how to apply these guidelines to print materials, websites, signage, stationery and other marketing and communications materials. The Brand Manual also includes a comprehensive style guide to ensure that written materials are consistent and accurate. This manual is designed to be a reference book, in which users can turn directly to the relevant chapter. Some key components are repeated in several of the chapters, so that no matter which subject matter is being referenced, you will understand the College's policy.

This manual establishes a foundation for developing marketing and communications materials, but the College acknowledges that these standards cannot address every situation that may arise. The manual also includes contact information for the Office of University Marketing, whose staff can answer specific questions. As this is an early edition of the manual, there may be errors or omissions. You are invited to submit your suggested corrections and changes to the Office of University Marketing. An updated edition of this manual will be issued each academic year, or as needed.

The standards outlined in this manual should be followed for all communications and marketing materials produced by any unit of the College. If materials are found not to conform to these standards, the department or office producing the materials will be required to take corrective actions.