Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Social Media Policy and Guidelines

Social Media Strategy and Best Practices

Objective and Audience

Make sure you know and understand who you are trying to communicate with when you build your social media strategy. For example, alumni, parents and families and more likely to be on Facebook while current and prospective students are more likely to engage with you on Instagram. 


It's important to understand which audiences that are using each platform, but it's also important to understand which content performs the best on which platforms. Images and visial content are always more engaging than text-heavy graphics or flyers. 

Profile Thumbnail

It is recommend that you use this template to create a social media profile image for your campus unit. 


Hashtags are important because they help your audience find you on social media platforms. It's best to use specific hashtags like #CharlestonScience or #CofCScience instead of #Science. Also, it's important to Camel Case your hashtags. This means each word should be capitalized, like #CollegeOfCharleston. This makes your hashtags compliant with screen readers. 

Social Media Microsoft Team

If you manage a social media account, please join our Microsoft Team. You can email to request access.